
Level Up Your Look with Exclusive Avatar Frames!

Compete in our weekly prediction challenges and unlock unique avatar frames to showcase your precognitive talents!

Here’s how it works:
Earn Points: Participate in the competitions and rack up points for each accurate prediction.

Level Up: As you accumulate points, you’ll unlock access to different avatat frame tiers.

Choose Your Frame: Each tier offers a selection of stylish frames to personalize your profile.

Note: No points are deducted for choosing a frame, so go wild and flaunt your precognitive achievements! Your chosen frame will be applied to your profile within 24 hours.

Your Rank:

Your Points:

Beginner Avatar Frames (0-999 points)
Intermediate Avatar Frames (1,000 points)
Adept Avatar Frames (2,500 points)
Master Avatar Frames (5,000 points)
Posted by / June 26, 2024 / 0 Comments
Zaq<span class="bp-verified-badge"></span>


Precognition Expert 🔹 Designer 🔹 Gamer 🔹 AuDHD Advocate 🔹 Omnist 🔹 Nonpartisan Independent 🔹 Philosopher

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