Hey all! For Week 100 I have something special in store.
First, I designed a limited edition shirt for us that you can pre-order now until June 28th. There are a variety of sizes and colors to choose from, and each exclusive shirt comes with a special holographic sticker. And if you’re a Precog+ member than you receive a $3 discount on merch!
If you experience any problems on the site (account, checkout, errors, etc) make sure to let me know so I can fix them asap. You can comment on this post, message me directly, fill out our contact form, or get in touch on social media. Just this last week there was an update on the backend that disabled registration temporarily, but thanks to a Redditor’s quick comment I was able to fix it in no time.
I’ve also made a couple improvements around the site, with many more on the way. AMAs were added to the Discussion menu. A private tab for your Shop settings (Addresses, Payment Methods, etc) has been added to your profile for you to edit your important information and track your orders. And also I’m in the process of adding every weekly and monthly leaderboard so you can browse through the history of points.
Rewards are still being worked on, specifically different selectable frame effects for your profile picture. They’ll be unlockable at three different rankings: 1000 points, 2500 points, and 5000 points. Any ideas you have feel free to send my way; you can check out my profile for an idea.
Lastly, starting next week the predictions competition will be getting some old Precog Target options back. For a little background, each week I’ve been removing the most recently selected Person, Location and Object from the list of possible options, while ignoring any options that have been presented in the last 9 weeks. Lately the options for Location have gotten really low so I lowered that criteria to the last 4 weeks. Well, now I’ll be implementing a system similar to the Mini-Challenges selection process, where the options stay the same and only the most recently chosen target options are ignored. Person, Location and Object will be chosen from a master list of options with only the previous year’s target elements being blocked. This should improve things quite a bit.
And now, on to the Predictions Competition!
June 14, 2024 – June 20, 2024
Precog Target (+100pts each)

Mini-Challenges (+10pts each)
Mix it up with our 7 unique categories to test your intuition.
Color Palette Theme

Entertainment Genre

War Fiction
Fictional Worlds

The Island of Berk (How to Train Your Dragon)
Historical Events

The Discovery of the Higgs Boson Particle
Music Genres
Weather Phenomena