Greetings, Precognition Community!
Let’s dive into the Week 55 recap. The Precog Target revealed Thor in the Galapagos with an espresso machine, and the majority of players accurately predicted the espresso machine.

In our Mini-Challenges, we had some fantastic results last week. A majority of participants accurately predicted the Fictional World Vulcan (Star Trek) and the Weather Phenomenon Blizzard.

Now, about the profiles – they’re still experiencing some issues, but I’m working diligently to get them fixed. My cat fell ill this week, which delayed the process, and I truly appreciate your patience. Not many users are using the social features yet, so it’s not causing too much trouble. Speaking of which, we’re all eagerly waiting for more participation so that we can take our statistics seriously again. Currently, we have a handful of active participants each week, but I’m optimistic about changing that soon.
Lastly, there’s a brand new version of our 1-year image reveal review! Easily explore the first 43 weeks of our tournament, with details on the number of participants and the significance levels for each week – showing how players’ accuracy compares to the previous week. Enjoy!
As always, for deeper insights and comprehensive statistics, we invite you to explore our comprehensive spreadsheets covering precog targets, insights, performance, accuracy, and popularity. They offer a deeper understanding of our evolving competition.
Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to enhance your precognitive journey!