Precognition 101

Do It Yourself

Developing precognitive abilities can be achieved through practice and time. One effective way to explore one’s own precognition is through keeping a dream journal. The journal should only contain dream entries, and it is recommended to recall as much as possible while still in bed. Dreamers are encouraged to seek precognitive dreams for enhancing their lives and for remaining safe in challenging environments.
Meditation, trance states, relaxed gazes, healthy lifestyle and stress reduction can all lead to precognition. For most individuals, 30 minutes a day is considered a sweet spot for meditation. This allows you to reap the benefits of mindfulness without potential drawbacks. Additionally, specific protocols or guided meditations used in remote viewing practice can be beneficial for precognition.
Practicing intuition can help individuals become more aware of future events. This can be done through playing guessing games or gambling, such as shuffling a deck of cards and guessing the next card. This type of practice can also be done with coins, dice, or other games. Several channels on the Precognition Discord offer different bots, such as casino games like blackjack and roulette, to practice guessing skills.
Lucid dreaming can help individuals become more precognitive by becoming aware of the dream state and actively participating in the dream. Techniques for achieving lucidity include setting an intention before sleep and practicing pre-sleep and post-waking routines.
The Wake-Back-To-Bed technique is a recommended technique for accessing precognitive knowledge. It involves waking up after a few hours of sleep and going back to sleep with the intention of becoming lucid in a dream. Once lucid, individuals can ask a “spirit guide”-like dream character about future events or other precognitive information. You can simplify the desired future event into a binary choice, like yes or no, up or down. This can help to reduce the impact of emotions and expectations on your dream content.
Precognition is possible, but it’s important to prioritize your mental health during practice. There is no guarantee and some people may have more success with one method than another.

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